Behaviors Matter!
Behaviors Matter!
Some behaviors in the church are learned behaviors such as;
Quickening (jerk), and jumping when you really don’t feel anything.
People learn how to dance and clap on beat.
How to say and use church jargon, lingo, and phrases at the right time and for the right occasion.
Learned church rhyme, call, and response, when to say AMEN and Hallelujah! The louder, the bolder the more impactful.
Learned church protocol, and how to work in the church to make the church congregation grow, but never grow spiritually themselves.
They learn the power of suggestion. It is suggested that when the preacher lays hands on the person he or she will automatically fall out onto the floor pretending the Spirit hit them) to represent the power of God. That makes the person (Preacher) who is ministering look like they are anointed and have power with God.
They learn which face to wear for the occasion: an ugly tuned-up face that says I am serious about the Lord, He is so Um, Um Good, or the face of piety that speaks “God Bless you darling”.
This is how men dressed in sheep's clothes get in among the congregation. This is how people go to church, and participate in church but never surrender their life to Jesus Christ to live a clean holy life of purity. This is how some children grow up in church playing church, living a lie, and going into adulthood continuing to play Russian roulette with their souls. Never held accountable for their sins, just going through the motions. Christian Behaviors Matter!
A Christian’s behavior is representative of Jesus Christ himself. A Christian behavior should not be phony, or fake, like the devil who is the father of lies. Why should a person be synthetic when he or she can be authentic? It is time to sell out and go hard after God. 1 Peter 1:15 But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior … holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14 An authentic relationship with God breads authentic Christian behaviors. If we are going to imitate anyone let us Imitate Jesus Christ’s behaviors!